Friday, May 7, 2010

Don't Be a Victim of Vacation, Get a Home Alarm

Everyone looks forward to his or her time off, time away from the routine of a workday and a time to relax. Unfortunately while you are getting ready to get away from it all, some one else may be looking to capitalize on you being out of town. Make sure you take all the necessary precautions; here are a few things you should take into consideration.

Have someone pick up your mail. Having a neighbor pick up your mail and your newspaper is a great idea. That way you are not advertising that you are away on vacation for anyone that drives or walks by your home. If there is no one that you trust in your neighborhood you can also just call the post office and have them collect your mail and you can go pick it up after your vacation.

Criminals often look for home without anyone in them because then they do not run the risk of being seen. Have the appearance of someone being home. Many people buy times that turn their lights and television on and off. This way it looks like there is someone inside deterring criminals. You can find them at your local hardware store for only a couple dollars.

Have someone stay at your home. If you are worried about your home because there has be a history of home being hit while they are on vacation have a friend stay at your home. Fill the fridge with drinks and food while they are there and I am sure that it will be more than enough or take them out to dinner when you get home. That way someone really is in your home in case there is a problem that needs to be dealt with such as a pipe leaking or a fire in your home.

Lock all your doors and windows. Many people before they are going on vacation are very stressed making sure that everything is packed and ready to go. It can be easy to leave a window or door open. Have someone run through the house making sure that every door and window is not only closed but locked as well. Invest in a home alarm. It is surprising how many people do not have one. There are many advantages to having a home alarm system. Installation is easy with a home alarm system and in the end all you have to do to activate it is a simple code in a keypad. Once it is activated it can protect your home from outside in intruders and keep your home security company on high alert while you are not at home. It does not only protect your home from the outside by from the inside as well. If there is a fire within your home than your home alarm company called the fire fighters immediately. So even though you are on vacation your home will be safe from criminals as well as fire.

Enjoy your vacation and have a relaxing trip back knowing your home is in good hands.

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